Managing Content


Blogging is built right into Siteleaf. This means that you can just go ahead and start writing your posts and we’ll handle it for you!

Posts are a bit like special documents — they belong to the Posts collection, but unlike regular documents, you can set them to be a draft.

Creating a post will create a Markdown file in the _posts/ directory that will include the timestamp and date (for example, a post titled “New York” that was created on January 6th, 2016 will turn into 2016-01-06-new-york.markdown).



The path changes the URL this post is accessible at on your site within the /posts/ path.


By default, posts are visible. You can change them to hidden or draft. Hidden posts set published: false in the metadata, while draft posts are moved to the _drafts/ directory.

Hidden posts and drafts are shown when previewing the site, but are safely hidden when you publish.


Tags are a way to link common posts with each other. Separate multiple tags with a comma.


A category is an overarching theme that a post has. Separate multiple categories with a comma.


This changes the timestamp associated with the post.

The permalink changes the URL this post is accessible at on your site. Unlike a path, this can change the URL to be anywhere on the site, not just under /posts/.


Choose which layout you’d like to use. Any layout you have in _layouts will be listed here.

By default, posts are published with the permalink template /posts/:title/, however you can customize this using defaults. For example, we could use /articles/:title/ instead:

- scope:
    path: ''
    type: posts
    permalink: "/articles/:title/" # replace "articles" with name of your choice

You can also rename the Posts collection to a name of your choice, this is what content editors will see in the Siteleaf interface. For example, instead of “Posts” we could call it “Articles”:

    title: "Articles" # replace "Articles" with name of your choice
    output: true

Further Reading

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