Hosting and Sync


  1. Hosting options
  2. Sync options

Hosting options

Depending on your sites hosting value, the hosting_options fields are:

Hosting: github

Key Value
access_token Github Access Token (required)
path Full repository name <user name>/<repo name> (required)
branch Branch name, gh-pages by default
format raw or compiled (Github Pages or Siteleaf compile) (required)

Hosting: s3

Key Value
access_key AWS Access Key (required)
secret_key AWS Secret Key (required)
path S3 bucket name (required)
region Region of S3 bucket (required)

Hosting: ftp

Key Value
protocol ftp or sftp (required)
host Host name (required)
port Port number, 21 if ftp or 22 if sftp by default
username FTP username (required)
password FTP password (required)
path Path where site will be published (required)

Hosting: cloudfiles

Key Value
username Rackspace username (required)
api_key Rackspace API key (required)
path Container name (required)
region Region of container (required)

Sync options

Github is currently the only sync provider, the sync_options are:

Sync: github

Key Value
access_token Github Access Token (required)
path Full repository name <user name>/<repo name> (required)
branch Branch name, master by default

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